WALNUT TOWNSHIP BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS 11420 MILLERSPORT ROAD MILLERSPORT, OHIO 43046 (740) 467-2420 FAX (740) 467-3283 Regular Meeting March 1, 2012 Attendance: Jane Hanley, Liz Groves, Doug Leith, Bob Ball, and David Farrell. Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector and Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary Members of the Public: 3 Chairman Jane Hanley called meeting to order at 7:23 PM with the pledge of allegiance. Meeting minutes : Hanley moved and Groves seconded the motion to approve the meeting minutes from 1-5-12. Motion passed unanimously. Ball asked about the meetings being at 7:30 PM in April and October. Hanley explained that the Zoning Commission will be meeting at 7 PM on those two nights and the BZA members decided to meet after the ZC on those two dates if a meeting is required. Old Business: None New Business: None Adjournment: Hanley moved to close the meeting. Groves seconded the motion. The motion to adjourn passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:25...