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Annual Organizational Meeting
January 4, 2012

Attendees:  Mike Wolfe, Roger Kilbarger, Allen Turnball, and Clay Lattimer

Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector and Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary

Members of the Public:

The annual organizational meeting was called to order by Chairperson Mike Wolfe with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:01 PM.

Wolfe turned the meeting over to the zoning secretary to conduct the organizational meeting for 2012.

Nominations for Chairman
Kilbarger moved and Wolfe seconded the motion to nominate Clay Lattimer  for Chairman of Zoning Commission. Roll call – Turnball, yes; Lattimer, yes; Wolfe yes and Kilbarger yes  Motion passed.

Nominations for Vice Chairman
Wolfe moved and Lattimer seconded the motion to nominate Kilbarger for Vice Chairman of the Zoning Commission. Roll call – Turnball, yes, Lattiner yes, Wolfe yes and Kilbarger, yes. Motion passed.

Nominations for Secretary
Wolfe moved and Lattimer seconded the motion to nominate Sally Hempleman for Secretary of the Zoning Commission. Roll call – Turnbull, yes; Lattimer, yes; Wolfe, yes; and Kilbarger, yes.  Motion passed.

Meeting dates
The Zoning Commission members discussed the day of the week to hold their meetings.

Kilbarger moved and Lattimer seconded the motion to hold the meeting on the January 4, April 5 and October 4 in 2012 at 7 PM unless there is a need for a meeting to address an application.  Roll call – Turnbull, yes; Lattimer, yes; Wolfe, yes; and Kilbarger, yes. Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting procedures
Wolfe moved and Turnbull seconded the motion for the Zoning Commission to adopt Robert’s Rules of Order for meeting procedures. Roll call – Turnbull, yes; Lattimer, yes; Wolfe, yes; and Kilbarger, yes. Motion passed unanimously.

Advertising of Meetings and Public Hearings
Kilbarger moved and Lattimer seconded the motion to advertise ZC meetings and public hearings in the Eagle Gazette and Buckeye Lake Beacon. Roll call – Turnbull, yes; Lattimer, yes; Wolfe, yes; and Kilbarger, yes. Motion passed unanimously.

The Zoning Secretary closed the annual organizational meeting for 2012 at 7:12 PM.

Regular Meeting of the BZA
January 4, 2012

Attendees: Mike Wolfe, Roger Kilbarger, Clay Lattimer, Alan Turnbull

Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector and Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary

Members of the Public: 1

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Clay Lattimer at 7:15 PM.

Meeting Minutes:
Wolfe moved and Lattimer seconded the motion to accept the September 20, 2011 meeting minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

Old Business:
Lattimer brought up the fence section of the Zoning Resolution. Reeb indicated that Mr. Myers did come in and has paid his fence fee.  Reeb indicated that it seems to him an isolated incident.  The Zoning Commission members decided not to review the fence section.

New Business:

Public Input:

The next meeting will be April 5, 2012 at 7 PM.

Kilbarger moved to close the meeting and Turnbull seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Meeting ended at 7:19 PM.

Clay Lattimer, Chair          Date