Walnut Township
Board of Zoning Appeals
11420 Millersport Road
Millersport, Ohio 43046
(740) 467-2430   FAX (740) 467-3283

Public Hearing
April 28, 2011

Variance 11-13

Attendance: Dave Farrell, Bob Ball, Mike England, Jane Hanley, Liz Groves and Doug Leith

Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector, and Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary

The Public Hearing for application 11-13 was called to order at 7:00 PM by the chairman, Jane Hanley, with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Testimony of the Zoning Inspctor

Reeb explained that this variance application is on Lake front property, in the Walnut Township Zoning Resolution, it requires a minimum 5’ setback on the side from the property line. Reeb explained that the applicants are putting in an outdoor kitchen and would like to place it inside the 5’ set back.  Reeb explained that the gutter on the proposed roof keeps the rain from the neighboring property.

Letters from neighbors were read into the record.  The neighbors are on both sides of the Freudeman’s.

Testimony of Applicant

Dennis Freudeman explained that they would like to build an outdoor kitchen which will match house. He said there will be no running water to the kitchen location.

Groves asked if it is in the same location as an existing structure.  Freudeman explained that it is on the street side of the house and does replace and expand the existing patio.

Bob moved to approve application 11-13.  Hanley seconded.  Roll call – Leith yes, Groves, yes, England, Handley yes, Ball yes.  Motion passes unanimously and does not hinge on a party.

The public hearing was closed at 7:26 PM.